Home > Alerts > London Thamesport
Saturday, 27 Jul 2024
17/09/14 07:58 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
17/09/14 10:41 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
17/09/14 12:30 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
17/09/14 14:33 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
19/09/14 13:36 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
19/09/14 17:23 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
30/09/14 12:06 London Thamesport GI1: General Information
20/10/14 08:34 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
21/10/14 05:47 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
21/10/14 10:37 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
21/10/14 18:04 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
28/11/14 07:45 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
28/11/14 10:16 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
02/12/14 21:39 London Thamesport IA1: Incident Advice
03/12/14 04:13 London Thamesport IA2: Incident Advice - Normal Operations Resume
12/12/14 03:23 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
12/12/14 04:25 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
12/12/14 07:14 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
22/12/14 12:02 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
22/12/14 16:28 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
09/01/15 20:34 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
10/01/15 06:56 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
10/01/15 07:24 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
14/01/15 23:14 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
15/01/15 06:03 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
15/01/15 19:53 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
15/01/15 21:56 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
28/01/15 12:15 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
28/01/15 15:28 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
19/02/15 00:26 London Thamesport GI1: General Information
19/02/15 03:27 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
23/02/15 15:48 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
02/03/15 12:58 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
09/03/15 09:35 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
30/03/15 20:58 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
31/03/15 04:01 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
31/03/15 08:24 London Thamesport AW4a: Weather Update
02/04/15 02:45 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
02/04/15 04:03 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
20/04/15 07:28 London Thamesport IA1: Incident Advice
20/04/15 08:22 London Thamesport IA2: Incident Advice - Normal Operations Resume
05/05/15 12:21 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
05/05/15 12:27 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
05/05/15 14:29 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
05/05/15 15:43 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
05/05/15 22:46 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
06/05/15 07:46 London Thamesport GP1: Issues Affecting Gate Processing
16/05/15 03:33 London Thamesport GP1: Issues Affecting Gate Processing
16/05/15 04:21 London Thamesport GP2: Normal Gate Processing Resumed
26/06/15 17:37 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
26/06/15 22:21 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
15/07/15 14:59 London Thamesport GP1: Issues Affecting Gate Processing
15/07/15 16:10 London Thamesport GP2: Normal Gate Processing Resumed
17/08/15 07:57 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
26/10/15 15:47 London Thamesport TR1: Traffic Update
26/10/15 16:36 London Thamesport TR1: Traffic Update
07/11/15 12:34 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
07/11/15 13:02 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
13/11/15 10:57 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
13/11/15 12:11 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
17/11/15 23:27 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
17/11/15 23:28 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
18/11/15 01:50 London Thamesport GP2: Normal Gate Processing Resumed
18/11/15 01:50 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
18/11/15 11:52 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
18/11/15 15:50 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
19/11/15 04:14 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
19/11/15 04:52 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
15/12/15 09:31 London Thamesport TR1: Traffic Update
15/12/15 09:42 London Thamesport TR1: Traffic Update
21/12/15 13:42 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
21/12/15 14:20 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
22/12/15 08:56 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
22/12/15 13:13 London Thamesport AW4a: Weather Update
30/12/15 08:20 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
30/12/15 10:04 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
30/12/15 12:02 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
01/02/16 19:53 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
01/02/16 22:59 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
08/02/16 06:51 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
08/02/16 09:56 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
09/02/16 10:50 London Thamesport AW5: Winds Moderating
02/03/16 14:14 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
02/03/16 15:08 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
23/03/16 21:41 London Thamesport GI1: General Information
27/03/16 08:32 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
28/03/16 01:04 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
22/06/16 13:23 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
22/06/16 14:58 London Thamesport GP2: Normal Gate Processing Resumed
28/08/16 11:05 London Thamesport GI1: General Information
21/09/16 08:59 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
21/09/16 13:16 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed
18/10/16 04:09 London Thamesport GP1: Issues Affecting Gate Processing
18/10/16 05:52 London Thamesport GP2: Normal Gate Processing Resumed
22/11/16 03:09 London Thamesport AW4: Weather Update
22/11/16 06:08 London Thamesport AW4a: Weather Update
22/11/16 07:09 London Thamesport AW1: Weather Warning
01/12/16 15:28 London Thamesport GI1: General Information
15/12/16 05:46 London Thamesport SD1: Landside Stack Disruption
15/12/16 06:16 London Thamesport SD2: Landside Stack - Normal Operations Resumed


Source Details
  Componentpof.Database.ObjectModel2 (
  Last NamespacefrmPress(unknown version)
  Last Class
  Last ProcedurePage_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  Additional Info.Display Individual Press Article
Stack Information
  frmPress.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
  System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
  System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
  System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
  ASP.frmalertindex_aspx.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
  System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step)
  System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
  System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ResumeSteps(Exception error)
  System.Web.HttpApplication.BeginProcessRequestNotification(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb)
  System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context)
  System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
  System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
  System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion(IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus& notificationStatus)
  System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion(IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus& notificationStatus)
  System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
  System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
  mscorlib (
  System.Web (
  System (
  System.Core (
  System.Configuration (
  System.Xml (
  System.Web.ApplicationServices (
  System.Runtime.Caching (
  Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0 (
  System.Web.RegularExpressions (
  System.Drawing (
  Microsoft.JScript (
  System.Web.Extensions (
  System.ServiceModel.Activation (
  System.ServiceModel.Internals (
  System.ServiceModel (
  SMDiagnostics (
  System.Xaml.Hosting (
  App_Web_dxthjegk (
  Microsoft.VisualBasic (
  App_Web_glxrw96k (
  pof.website.common.webcontrols (
  pof.Website.WebErrorHandler (
  System.Web.Mobile (
  System.Data (
  pof.Database.omWebsite (
  pof.Database.ObjectModel2 (
  Microsoft.GeneratedCode (
  System.Numerics (
  System.Transactions (
  System.EnterpriseServices (
  pof.Common.EventTrace (
  Microsoft.CSharp (
  System.Web.Services (
  System.IdentityModel (
  System.Runtime.Serialization (
  System.ServiceModel.Web (
  System.Activities (
  System.ServiceModel.Activities (
  System.WorkflowServices (
  System.Data.DataSetExtensions (
  System.Xml.Linq (
  System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations (
  System.Web.DynamicData (
  pof.Common.MailerNet (
  System.Windows.Forms (
  System.Management (
  System.Design (
Exception (1 of 2)
  Componentpof.Database.ObjectModel2 (
  Base Excp.System.ApplicationException
  MessageUnSharedBaserecordLoadWithDataReader prOmAlertArchiveLoad[@AlertArchiveID=2251]
  Stack Traceat pof.Database.ObjectModel.cObjectModelException.RaiseObjectModelError(Exception pvobjEx, String pvstrMessage, enExceptionType pvobjType) in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.database\pof.Database.ObjectModel\Classes\cObjectModellException.vb:line 149 at pof.Database.ObjectModel.cBaseObject.UnSharedBaseRecordLoadWithDataReader(cBaseFieldDefinitions& probjFields, cBaseFieldDefinitions& probjOriginalFields, Boolean pvblnLoad, cBaseDatabaseController pvobjController, String& pvstrSqlString, SqlDataReader& pvobjDataReader, Boolean pvblnCloseDataReader) in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.database\pof.Database.ObjectModel\Classes\cBaseObject.vb:line 889 at pof.Database.ObjectModel.cBaseObject.BaseRecordLoadWithDataReader(Boolean pvblnLoad, cBaseDatabaseController& probjController, Boolean pvblnCloseDataReader) in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.database\pof.Database.ObjectModel\Classes\cBaseObject.vb:line 554 at pof.Database.omWebsite.ctbAlertArchive.RecordLoad(Int32 pvintAlertArchiveID, Boolean pvbooLoad, cBaseDatabaseController& probjController) in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.database\omWebsite\System Generated Classes\ctbAlertArchive_System.vb:line 99 at frmPress.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Exception (2 of 2)
  Componentmscorlib (
  Base Excp.System.SystemException
  MessageStack empty.
  Stack Traceat System.Collections.Stack.Pop() at pof.Common.EventTrace.cTraceItemStack.Remove() in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.Common\EventTrace\cTraceItem.vb:line 126 at pof.Common.EventTrace.cTracer.EndTraceEvent(String pvstrId, String pvstrEndInfo, String pvstrDetail1, String pvstrDetail2, String pvstrDetail3) in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.Common\EventTrace\cTracer.vb:line 88 at pof.Database.ObjectModel.cConnection.TraceEvent(enTraceOperation pvobjType, String pvstrId, String pvstrInfo, String pvstrDetail) in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.database\pof.Database.ObjectModel\Classes\cConnection.vb:line 803 at pof.Database.ObjectModel.cConnection.ExecuteQueryDataReader(SqlCommand& probjCmd, SqlDataReader& probjDataReader, Boolean pvblnTrans, Int64 pvintRetry) in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.database\pof.Database.ObjectModel\Classes\cConnection.vb:line 900 at pof.Database.ObjectModel.cBaseObject.UnSharedBaseRecordLoadWithDataReader(cBaseFieldDefinitions& probjFields, cBaseFieldDefinitions& probjOriginalFields, Boolean pvblnLoad, cBaseDatabaseController pvobjController, String& pvstrSqlString, SqlDataReader& pvobjDataReader, Boolean pvblnCloseDataReader) in C:\PROGRAMS\pof\pof.database\pof.Database.ObjectModel\Classes\cBaseObject.vb:line 853


Can't find c:\website\common\menus\hpukAlerts.xml